Friday, July 5, 2024

The Benefits of Taking the Harvard University Course on Taylor Swift

Harvard University Launches Course to Study Taylor Swift: Why It’s Not as Ridiculous as You Think

Harvard University has made headlines with its latest course offering – a course dedicated to studying none other than pop sensation Taylor Swift. While some may scoff at the idea of analyzing a singer’s career and lyrics in an academic setting, the university is proving that there is much more to Swift than meets the eye.

The course, titled “Taylor Swift and Her World,” is set to begin in the spring semester and will cover various aspects of Swift’s life, career, and relationships. Professor Stephanie Burt, who will be leading the course, revealed that while the curriculum will delve into Swift’s personal life, it won’t heavily feature her new boyfriend Travis Kelce unless she writes a song about him.

Swift’s influence extends beyond the realm of music, as she has often referenced historical writers such as William Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll, and Charles Dickens in her songs. This literary connection is not unique to Swift, as many artists incorporate literary references into their music.

Harvard is not the first university to offer a course on Taylor Swift, as the University of Ghent in Belgium and Queen Mary University of London have also delved into the singer’s impact on literature. New York University even awarded Swift an honorary degree for her contributions to the music industry.

For Swifties, the opportunity to study their idol in an academic setting is a dream come true. The idea of earning a certified qualification for their knowledge and passion for Swift is a thrilling prospect for many fans.

While some may find the concept of studying a pop star in a university setting unconventional, courses like these offer valuable insights into the cultural significance of music and its impact on society. As the saying goes, if you study what you love, you are setting yourself up for success. So, perhaps studying Taylor Swift is not such a far-fetched idea after all.

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