Sunday, September 29, 2024

Reliving My Notre Dame Trauma Through Taylor Swift’s Album Releases

Reflecting on Taylor Swift’s Albums Throughout My College Years

The collegiate career of a student at The Observer has been closely intertwined with the music of Taylor Swift. As the student reflects on their past four years, they associate each album release with significant moments in their life.

The release of “Lover” during their senior year of high school marked a period of new beginnings and change as they transitioned to college life in a new city. Despite the challenges of living away from home and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the album signified hope and growth.

“folklore” takes them back to their freshman year, with memories of rainy days, friendship fallouts, and moments of self-discovery. The song “peace” played a significant role in a pivotal night that solidified a new friendship.

“evermore” represents maturity and hope, offering a beacon of light during the ups and downs of college life. The album’s release during their freshman year left a positive impact that continued to resonate over the years.

“Fearless (Taylor’s Version)” helped the student overcome fears and take risks, particularly as they prepared to study abroad. The album’s themes of new beginnings and growth mirrored their own experiences during their freshman year.

“Red (Taylor’s Version)” served as a soundtrack to a breakup with a close friend, teaching the student the importance of communication and taking responsibility in relationships. Despite the challenges, the friendship was ultimately healed, leading to a stronger bond.

“Midnights” brought moments of self-reflection and healing after a broken friendship. The album’s release during their junior year marked a period of growth and resilience as they learned to set boundaries and prioritize their well-being.

“Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)” symbolized the transition into adulthood and the importance of speaking up for oneself. The album’s release during the summer before senior year was a time of reflection and decision-making as the student planned for their future.

“1989 (Taylor’s Version)” represented a rebirth and letting go of the past, coinciding with a period of personal growth and healing. The album’s release during a challenging time with a former friend highlighted the importance of moving on and embracing new beginnings.

As the student looks ahead to the releases of “reputation” and “Debut” (Taylor’s Version), they reflect on the importance of leaving the past behind and embracing new opportunities. The albums serve as a reminder to focus on the positive moments and cherish the friendships that have stood the test of time.

In their closing remarks, the student expresses gratitude to The Observer team for their support and impact over the years. They reflect on the transformative experiences and friendships that have shaped their collegiate journey, leaving behind a legacy of growth, resilience, and gratitude.

Overall, the student’s journey with Taylor Swift’s music has been a reflection of their own personal growth, challenges, and triumphs throughout their collegiate career. As they prepare to embark on a new chapter in life, they carry with them the lessons learned and the memories made along the way.

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